From Afghanistan to Cambodia
Today, I met with a special group of young citizen journalists and bloggers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. At this 4 hours event we discussed Online Freedom of Expression in Cambodian. I shared my experiences about blogging and the use of social media in Afghanistan and the problems and obstacles that we are facing in this area. Digital media collective forum features my talk. More details about the event here.
read more »First Graduates of Shaheed Mirranay Education Center
Shaheed Mirranay computer and English language center was built in April 2011. It’s located in Southwest of Jalalabad city- one hour drive from Jalalabad city. Together with my team I set up it’s solar power system and the computer lab. We installed five computers and a printer, four solar panels with a power inverter, and four car batteries. The solar power system generated enough power to run the five energy efficient laptops for six months several hours everyday (After six…
read more »Be in Jail for 12 Years or Marry Your Rapist
Afghan woman jailed for being a rape victim offered release if she MARRIES her attacker Gulnaz was convicted of adultery because she had sex outside of marriage by being raped. After falling pregnant by her attacker, she and the baby were jailed for 12 years. She has been given the choice to marry her rapist and be freed from jail Read the full story here.
read more »What Cripples Afghanistan’s Economy?
A world bank report came out yesterday that says depending on security the economy of Afghanistan could face a complete collapse beyond 2014. More than 90 per cent of our national budget comes from foreign donations. The world bank report in PDF: Transition in Afghanistan: Looking Beyond 2014. Income per person in Afghanistan is $528 a year. Josie Bassinette, the acting director of the World Bank says this figure conceals pockets of worse poverty because aid money is not divided…
read more »Getting a National Identity Card in Jalalabad
Waiting for the Officers to Come A couple of cousins and my aunt asked me to help them get national identity cards called Tazkira for them in Jalalabad. I wrote an application for them and went to Nangarhar Governor’s Office with them. Normally, most government offices should open for clients at 8:00AM and close at 4:00PM. We were there by 8:10AM expecting that the workers would be settled. I thought that it’s the governor’s office and it would be more organized…
read more »Ali, the Shopkeeper
I was in Dara-e-Noor district of Nangarhar province with my mapping team last month. I met Ali. He is about 4 years old boy with light skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. Ali’s father is a shopkeeper running a little convenience store in this very remote area in the middle of mountains. Ali keeps the shop and sells some small items that he knows the prices of when his father goes to Jalalabad for replenishing the store. That’s how Ali…
read more »Interesting Twitter Fight: Taliban vs ISAF
@ABalkhi is Taliban’s Twitter handle and @ISAFMedia is ISAF’s. I am following both. They sometimes have Twitter fights. They are exchanging some serious words right now as I am typing and here is how the @ABalkhi started and then the @ISAFMedia’s response follows and I quote everything: @ABalkhi: Article CSM:1000s Afghan mercenaries hired by CIA in Afghanstan.Commit outright human rights abuses(rape,robery,extra judicial killing etc) Story confirmed by US diplomats, western officials, afghan authorities. Hired to fight Taliban and others Recruits…
read more »Unite or Perish
Ironically, on the barrel of this tank it say, “Unite or else we’ll perish.” People say a lot of things. Our politicians spend hours when they are on the stage giving talks but there is very little action. If we did 40% of what we say we wouldn’t be in the bad condition that we are today. When I listen to candidates talking to people during their election campaigns it almost makes one believe that Afghanistan will be like a…
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