Water Tank

Oct 6, 2011   //   by Hameed   //   Uncategorized  //  No Comments

Fun­ny water tank on top of a house. This fam­i­ly lives 20 kilo­me­ters south of Jalal­abad city and they have enmi­ty with Tal­iban. Tal­iban killed a mem­ber of this fam­i­ly and then they went and killed sev­er­al Tal­iban to take revenge. The fam­i­ly is always vig­i­lant. They guard their house with their AK47s 24/7. It’s fun­ny that they have this flashy red water tank. There is anoth­er house in Jalal­abad that has a water tow­er in the shape of an old Rus­sia jeep.

