A Joyful Weekend at Sweating Man

Oct 8, 2011   //   by Hameed   //   Uncategorized  //  No Comments

My broth­er, Idris, Rah­mat and I went to the Jalala­good Sweat­ing Man last weekend.
Then we played Khu­sai, the one foot­ed Afghan game. It was so much fun that I for­got to take any pho­tos. There was a flood a cou­ple of days ear­li­er and the water in Behsood Riv­er was all very gray because of the floods, etc. This fish­er­man was try­ing to catch fish. He caught a few fish that were lit­er­al­ly the size of his mid­dle fin­ger. He was so hap­py with that. Three oth­er friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers were wait­ing for him and hold­ing the fish the he had caught.

Our car got stuck in wet sand. We asked a small Suzu­ki car to pull it back and get it out. It slipped and had to get the Suzu­ki out. It was small­er than my Toy­ota Corol­la. We put the jack under the car and a lot of rock under the tires then tried to go reverse. It worked. I enjoyed get­ting our car out of the sink­ing sand.

