Afghan National Dresses

Dec 27, 2010   //   by peretz   //   photos  //  6 Comments

I found this scanned cal­en­dar of Ari­ana Afghan Air­lines from 1973 and am repost­ing here.

[flickr-gallery mode=“photoset” photoset=“72157625559950781”]

Click­ing on an image will bring up a light­box. Then you have to click on the sides of the light­box to pan around.

And you should take a look at this pho­to series from For­eign Pol­i­cy Mag­a­zine, which will total­ly blow your per­cep­tion of Afghanistan’s recent past:

Biology Class in Kabul University - 1960s

- Biol­o­gy Class in Kab­ul Uni­ver­si­ty, cir­ca 1960s

