Inventory for Bamyan University

Oct 16, 2011   //   by Hameed   //   Uncategorized  //  3 Comments

This is from Thurs­day at Bamyan Uni­ver­si­ty. We are mak­ing an inven­to­ry list for the equip­ment that we have brought with to the uni­ver­si­ty in our Bamyan Uni­ver­si­ty project (more details in my pre­vi­ous blog). Pro­fes­sors Joya and Motamid are help­ing me with it. Pro­fes­sor Joya has got his mas­ter’s degree in Edu­ca­tion and Lan­guage Learn­ing from Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty. I love work­ing with Bamyan Uni­ver­si­ty staff.

We were send­ing all these equip­ment from the cap­i­tal Kab­ul through Par­wan to Bamyan which has been a very dan­ger­ous way late­ly. There have been sev­er­al kid­naps and rob­bing. I have a smart col­league who put all the 40 lap­tops and smart phones and inter­net modems in these met­al trunks and locked them all. We rent­ed part of this big Russ­ian truck that reg­u­lar­ly makes trips to Kab­ul from Bamyan and brings back sup­plies to the stores of Bamyan Bazaar. They put all these trunks in the back of the truck under oth­er sup­plies so that any poten­tial rob­bers on the way would­n’t see it. Every­thing made it to the uni­ver­si­ty alright and before us.
We labeled all the lap­tops and the smart phones and record­ed their ser­i­al num­bers on a spread­sheet. I asked Pro­fes­sor Abidy, our main con­tact at the uni­ver­si­ty to get bat­ter­ies for the label mak­er. He brought the AAA Chi­nese bat­ter­ies with a brand name of SQMY which looks like Sony with the first glance. The life of the bat­ter­ies was from turn­ing the label mak­er on to typ­ing “A‑1” and press­ing print but­ton. They died. We had to walk to Bamyan main bazaar, about 10 min­utes from the cam­pus to get good qual­i­ty Energizers.

