Thankfully my Brother Got Hit by a Car

Sep 19, 2011   //   by Hameed   //   Uncategorized  //  10 Comments

My lit­tle broth­er, Imran was rid­ing on his bicy­cle to school yes­ter­day. He got hit by a car from the back. Imran’s back­pack which had a bro­ken zip­per was on his back. When he got hit, his back­pack fell to the ground and all his books got scat­tered all around in the mid­dle of the road. Imran got up unscathed and start­ed pick­ing up his books to put back in his back­pack. Sud­den­ly, he saw a big scor­pi­on with its tail arched com­ing out of his unzipped back­pack. He took out his shoe and squished it to the ground. Had he not hit by the car that scor­pi­on inside his bag could have stung him or anoth­er stu­dent in his car­pet class­room in school.

